Youth Opportunity Landscape Survey

Hendricks Family Foundation

First, thank you in advance for taking the time to provide this information. Our goal is to collate your responses into one inventory document.

Instructions and Guidance

  • Provide the requested program information for EACH of your programs serving youth between the ages of 11 to 21.
  • We are asking you to categorize the focus of your program from among the selections.  Please select the closest fit.  (DO NOT select ‘Comprehensive’ unless your program design formally integrates 3 or more categories.)
    • Categories include:
      • Enrichment (e.g., Athletics, Arts)
      • Education
      • Workforce, Career Planning
      • Youth Development (Decision-making, Skill-building, Character, etc.)
      • Health
      • Comprehensive
      • Other
  • If you serve more than one age group in any one program, please select all ages that apply.
  • Please select the risk level that most closely matches your priority target group.


  • Low Risk – Protective Factors outweigh risks and young people are rarely behaving in ways that result in negative consequences.
  • Moderate Risk – There are identified individual, family or environmental risks for target youth, but youth behaviors have not yet resulted in serious school or community consequences.
  • High Risk – There are a range of risk factors, limited protective factors and behaviors that are resulting in serious external consequences (e.g., truancy, suspensions, criminal justice involvement)
  • All Youth – Serve all young people, no identified target.
  • Key Outcome Objectives
    • Identify up to 3 measures tracked to assess the impact of your program on the young people served. If you do not track outcomes please note accordingly.
  • Numbers served annually
  • Does your program have a waitlist, are you at capacity or do you have available capacity to serve additional youth (with your current program resources).
  • Primary Funding Sources. Please provide the two most significant sources of funding for your program.
    • You will be able to choose from the following options:
      • Government
      • Private Grants
      • United Way
      • Fundraising/Private Donations
      • Program Revenue/Fee for Service
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